{Shop: Sweater, Hat, Dress, Boots}
Today Bryan and I searched endless aisles of Target for White Chocolate Oreos, as those are the only cookies Santa will eat. This is a fallacy, as everyone knows Santa isn’t… a white chocolate fan. But I can’t break my 4 year old nephew’s heart. So the search for White Chocolate Oreos is on. Wish us luck.
Well, friends this is it. This is my last post ever. Until Monday anyways. I’m signing off to enjoy my family, eat a lot of unnecessary food and not do a thing for several days. I hope you do the same.

54 Responses
LOL…I concur on the Oreos!! YOu look great, super cute hat…..enjoy your family time, you more than deserve it dollie:)
Stop by and say Hello:)
Enter my Forever 21 Holiday Giveaway!!♥
LOVE your colored tights and your outfit!! yay for our matching boots! 😉 good luck finding those oreos! merry christmas!! 😀
I have searched for the White Chocolate Oreo's all season too. They have eluded me. What's with out small Texas towns not carrying the goods?
And you will do of that resting looking adorable, I am certain. Happy Holidays!
haha! merry christmas, kendi & family!!
Merry Christmas! Love the purple tights, boots and hat! Enjoy your family!!
:DDDD Merry Christmas! Enjoy your time "off"!
Merry Christmas!
Love this outfit!
p.s.-hope you found those oreos 😉
white chocolate oreos…. hmm…. i've never had them but i bet they are amazing!!
merry christmas!!
Happy Holidays! Love the brown boots with purple tights! I wore that look the other week.
You look beautiful! Merry Christmas and good luck with the Oreos. I'm sure Santa will like whatever he gets! 🙂
i wander, i wonder
I love those Oreo's. I know Target carries them since i just bought some yesterday.
Love your outfit! Have a very Merry Christmas!!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas.
I love this whole ensemble!! You find the best things from Target! And that Gap blazer is love! Hope you have a great holiday!!
Love this! I love my Gap blazer like that!
Have a very pretty Christmas, Kendi!
Follow @UnraveldTreads on Twitter!
good luck finding those oreos and ahh every time I see a new outfit of yours I'm reminded of how much I'd like to raid your closet haha. You look gorgeous!
good luck finding those oreos and ahh every time I see a new outfit of yours I'm reminded of how much I'd like to raid your closet haha. You look gorgeous!
Merry Christmas to you and yours! Hope you have a great day!
Merry Christmas, Kendi and Fam! Not only do I love this outfit, but I love that lipcolor. Will you share what lipstick it is? I'm on the search for the perfect red….
I hope you find those Oreos! I want some too!
Just Better Together is having a giveaway!
I have that sweater! It is my favorite!
Happy Christmas!
Thanks everyone! We've yet to find the Oreos — we might have to resort to Chocolate Chip.
@Rachel — I just bought it at Sephora — It's called 'It Girl' and it's the Sephora Brand lip stick. It's a little thick, so I put some clear lipgloss over it.
your outfits are always cute. Did I mention I read your blog daily? It's definitely under my favorites tab 🙂
You speak truth Kendi, I should proooobably get off the blogspot and go enjoy Christmas with copious amounts of eating and being lazy, but just wanted to say that a) you look winter-cute, of course and b) Merry Christmas! I hope Santa doesn't mind eating chocolate chip. 🙂
Toast with Charmalade
The colors in this are beautiful!!
Merry Christmas to you~ <3
love that Gap jacket! super cute! Hope you have a wonderful Christmas!
I love the colors, as always. Merry Christmas!
I love the yellow sweater and purple tights together! Merry Christmas Kendi.
Hahaha that's awesome about the Oreos! Hopefully you were successful in finding them. Love the look!
lovely look!merry christmas!
Haha I actually have some white oreos at home!! My bf loves them! Merry Christmas to you and I hope you have the most wonderful holidays!
Love your hat!
Merry Christmas, Kendi! 🙂
Loving the makeup and the hair, and of course the outfit 🙂
Blue Paper Lanterns
Cute outfit. I hope you have a fun, and memorable Christmas.
My Heart Blogged
Merry Christmas 🙂
Your skirt is just so cute!! Enjoy your family time 🙂
Awww, hope you found the cookies, even though we all know Santa's favorites are peanut butter blossoms.
Love the tights!
I think that this is the best blog ever! Hope you had a great Christmas!
Hi love your blog…ı wrote something about you!!
Great post. Every year I usually get my dad those White Chocolate Oreos (those are his fav), but this year my Target didn't have them!!! 🙁 I hope you found them, and I hope you had a great Christmas.
Great outfit, as always 🙂
Kirstin Marie
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas, Kendi! And I hope you found those white chocolate Oreos… I've never heard of them, and I am an Oreo fanatic! PS Love the hat on you! And those colored tights…
Kristine. Or Polly.
It's a little late but Merry Christmas! I hope you found your Oreos!
Your outfit is adorable! The pom-pom beanie and tights are fantastic!
Merry Christmas! And cute outfit.
Beautiful styling.
You have a great blog by the way! I am so happy i ran into it! It's a great read! Your posts are great and your style is amazing!
Im gonna follow you on blolovin!
Hope you visit me back and become a follower:)
That would be amazing!
love how you combined all these colours together. so gorgeous!well done!
You are the cutest. Just came across your blog from bloglovin' and I love the 30 for 30 idea. I am about to turn 30 in April so I might save it for then. Lookin forward to following your blog!
Cute outfit!
Hope u found the white choc. oreos! Lol
Btw, please check out my blog, i am doing my FIRST giveaway ever! You can enter if you like 🙂
Check out my Giveaway!
Confessions Of A City Girl
Ooo I LOVE the way you styled the sweater! I own it and love it, too! Here is how I styled it, in case you want to see:
Seriously great job!
oh I love EVERYTHING about this outfit!!
Saving for inspiration :]]
Charlotte xxx
Very cute!
I love the color palette of this outfit, purple and yellow is one of my favs! I hope you found your oreos 🙂