{Shop: Similar Blazer, Skirt, Necklace, Shoes}
I know that I linked my skirt up there but don’t buy it online. I got it in store for $4. So basically Target is paying me to wear this skirt. Okay, that’s flawed logic but still don’t buy it online. Or else. Or else what you ask? Or else you’ll pay $12 too much, I’m just trying to help here. Don’t get so defensive.
So I voted today. Did you? If you are over 18 and breathing, then you should have said yes to that question. If you did not, I’ll let this one slide as I did not vote in the 2004 election. Instead I was lured by a boy I had a major crush on to go see a movie and bypass the voting altogether. I now realize the irresponsibility of my ways, 6 years later. Also, I’m pretty sure I bought dinner that night. A boy who does not pay for meals and does not vote? Thank goodness he ended up dumping me. But you know who didn’t dump me and who goes to vote with me each election year? Mr. Everyday. Now that is a love story if I’ve ever heard of one.

84 Responses
Well hello lace skirt! I actually bought the same one for about $8… so a few bucks more. I loved it and never even wear skirts, but had to have it… I love this inspiration on how to style it. Because, obvs I need some inspiration if I haven't worn it yet. Although, it's not really appropriate for the Kindergarten pick up crowd… which means I'll need to invent a place to wear it! I'm on it!
Are those birthday shoes?? Because they are downright divine!!
Leaving the House in THIS?!?!
I saw that skirt @ Target….I should have picked it up:(
You look fab in stripes and lace..and those shoes are sooooo perfect!!!!
Yes to the voting, and I agree…..!!
Stop by and say Hello ♥
Statements in Fashion Blog
I have a similar shirt, and a similar jacket, and shoes I think would work with that… now I just need the skirt! Too bad I'm not in the States, and thus don't have a Target to score the deal!!
(Also, not living in the States is my excuse for not voting)
Love that skirt! It doesn't even look like it's from Target!
ha! i bought the same four dollars of gray lace goodness last weekend!
i voted – check
i have that skirt in black and gray – check check
i got it for 8 – check minus (but come on, $8 is not bad)
Love the shoes. $4 skirts make the world go round.
Ramblings of a Small Town Girl
i feel like you got dressed in my closet this morning, AND that top and skirt are in my 30 for 30 pile.
what can i say? we both have superb taste.
I got that skirt in pink for 4$ too! Target really has us pegged when it comes to sales!
A couple who votes together stays together. Well unless they have totally opposing views but that's not our fault we're being optimistic here so yay!
I got that skirt in pink! I don't think I got it for $4, but it was definitely on sale and I love it!
I love the skirt!
i do like your black jacket
I love this!! So cute.
I have the same skirt in green – eight dollars, haha!
I voted with 6 minutes to spare! And is that the same parking structure you took the "B" photos in? I like it!
who did you vote for? i'm not an american, so i didn't vote. but, if i was a citizen of the US i would have voted.
i'm like that nerdy kid in the breakfast club – i got a fake ID so i could vote early.
"Hi, my name is Shelby and I am addicted to Politics."
loving the stripes/lace combo. i never would've guessed that skirt was from target. luckily, i got a target giftcard for my b-day, so i may have to pop in there and grab that skirt.
I definitely voted!
I like the skirt with these shoes.
I love your skirt! Im glad that boy dumped you too! 🙂 you look gorgeous all the time..I swear. x
LOVE LOVE LOVE that whole look!
Well, that skirt is yet another reason I wish we had Target here! You look so gorgeous in it. LOVE those shoes on you too.
i love the way you write! mr. everyday… how frickin cute.
i wander, i wonder
This reminds me… I've been neglecting Target lately.
That skirt is a GREAT find 😉
Love the shoes, jealous of the blazer. Your outfit is adorable!
I love that skirt. I bought it as well… 2 actually.. can't go wrong for $4. 🙂 I styled it with a striped shirt as well. If only I had found a cute blazer like yours!
I've almost bought that same skirt at Target a couple times, but I always ended up putting it back. Now I'm wishing I would have gotten it, I love it with the blazer!
Ah you look beautiful as always Kendi!
How about this – I'll pay you to buy and ship me a skirt like that… haha. So bummed US Target doesn't shop to Australia.
Luckily I can live through you and Kyla, since you both ROCK that skirt. Hard.
I wish the Target's in Australia had such cute skirts! And yes, a man who votes with you is definitely a keeper.
Thank you for wearing those shoes, Kendi! I have been daydreaming of a pair like that and now I know they exist, I can save up my cash-moneys for a pair.
I keep seeing lace skirts and at first I was all "ugh" but they're totally growing on me. I also love those shoes, they're so gorgeous.
Go you on the voting! I'd totally have voted too but I'm English and we're stuck for the voting for a while. *sigh*
Isn't Target the best! I got that skirt because I thought it looked like the one from J Crew – with a much better price tag!!
bought that same skirt and im going to copy how you wear it! ha!
Love the outfit! And yes, I voted yesterday 😀
The Target lace skirt. I don't know why I didn't buy it immediately. Looks so good on!
Eesh, $4? That's a bargain's bargain, all right.
Wow- that's a steal on the skirt. Might have to take a lunch break trip to Target!
Is it bad that I am shopping to stock up for 30 for 30? It feels wrong but I can't help it!
Dangit! I got my black version for $8 in store on clearance. I got it after watching Kyla (Blue Collar Catwalk) style it so many different ways. I love mine!
Now, you too?! They never should have put this skirt on clearance because it's become the blogger go to. 🙂
Love the chic and magnificent duds, Kendi. As always.
I am not a fan of those shoes. 🙁 Sorry. But I LOVE the rest of the outfit. I saw that skirt last night at Target. Cute! It'll probably look cute with some opaque tights for the winter too. Not sure how cold it gets there, but it's a thought. OOh! Speaking of, I bought these super cute purple'ish-pink tights last night at Target. They have like every color! $5! I want more!!
I love Target in store Clearance. It always better then the online Price.
I voted! Yay for voting 😉 Love the outfit, as always!
I am a recent devotee of your blog, but I absolutely love coming here everyday and checking out your outfits! I am even more enamored that you continue to take true outfit photos even without having to go to the office everyday!
Ah, love this skirt! I snatched up two of these a couple of weeks ago for $4 too… I couldn't believe they had them marked that low! Conclusion: Target is amazing. 🙂
love, love, LOVE it all. particularly love the gap blazer – may have to snap one up myself!
So cute! I really love this outfit. I wouldn't have thought to pair stripes with that skirt, but now I have to go to Target to night and attempt to recreate this. Thanks for always being so hip and funny.
what a cute outfit! i love love the skirt…looks like i need to be better about checking target for clothes. i am new to your blog and i just love it 🙂 consider it added to my daily reads.
stop by my new-ish blog sometime:
Forget the skirt – I love the shoes!
Voting? You becha I did and I gave everyone a hard time who didn't. YES, I VOTED!!
cute, but am i only one who thinks a belt would look good? i just think elastic waistbands should be disguised. very cute nonetheless.
Kyla from Blue Collar Catwalk has been working those Target lace skirts like no other!! I love your take on it as well! I tried it on, but it just was a piece that didn't work for me…oh well – I love it on you guys!!
And I die for those shoes – I.Love.Them.
Also, yay for voting! Way to exercise your right as an American!! 🙂
Small Time Style
Great mix here. I can see this working into winter with black tights too!
Anon — Yeah, I needed a belt but I couldn't find one that worked so I went without. Next time though, I'm with ya, elastic waists aren't much to look at are they?
You are so funny.
Just Better Together
You are gorgeous missy! x
I have the same skirt and was going to wear it to work today but was afraid it would be too dressy. I love how you made it more casual and work appropriate!
I really liked that skirt…until I read that it was $4…now I love it! And the shoes too!
You remind me of Emma Stone in the second photo of this post, and I think she's just lovely! I like the almost political spin on this outfit – very DC chic 🙂
LOVE the shoes – they do good things for your legs. The skirt isn't my cup of tea sadly….maybe w/some dark tights? Unfortunately, the color reminds me of underwear….but judging from the comments, that's just me.
target has really done it again. looking good while voting- only adds to the excitement!
Aww, true love!
Next time you wear this outfit, go with a red skirt… I think Mr. Everday will appreciate it!
Cute Kendi!
Pretty sure this outfit proves that YOU can put about anything together and be the cutest thing on the block! Who from my generation would think you could add bulky beads to a casual outfit, put a lace skirt with a striped top and wear clunky heels with the combo? But there you are – proving it can be done and getting lots of comments from girls affirming your fun styles! You amaze me!!! Added the weekly post to my Silver Crown Styles blogspot today. Maybe you have time to check it out.
I have that skirt! I love it. It somehow doesn't seem as cheap as it was (I got mine from the clearance rack, for like 4 bucks, which makes me think it was pretty cheap to make indeed). Anyway, I adore the shoes and how you classed it up DC style with a blazer. Excellent!
love this skirt!! i'm stopping by Target tonight to see if they still have any left! 🙂
that lace skirt is sooo cute on you…as is the whole outfit:) you look fantastic!
I just found your blog and must say – I am in love! Great styling ideas and you are so darling!
I bought that skirt too! The pink one though.
Yay for $4 skirts!
This is totally an "I Mean Business" outfit–perfect for election day. And congratulations on finding a special someone with whom to exercise your voting rights. 🙂
Hey Kendi!
I just stumbled upon your blog, and I'm glad that I did! It's so cute, as well as your outfits!
Can't wait to read more!
love the outfit….i need to get that skirt
So cute! love the skirt, great deal! 🙂
I just bought this skirt on sale at target a few weeks ago – I payed $6 I think. Wore it today and have styled it so many different ways since I bought it! I do love it! 🙂
i have this shirt & skirt (in black) and both are in my re-mix 30!! looks great with the blazer, i've yet to wear the skirt.
Hey! I have that same blazer! I got it on major sale at Gap for $30…and it was the last one they had in my size! Probably my best bargain item ever, considering it's now back to $100. Oh, and I can't forget my We Who See boots that I bought for $50 (originally $128). Yay for bargains! Ha ha.
I have that skirt in black. I love it. I really really really like your necklace also.
I have that skirt in white, and I too got it for just $4! unbelievable.
I love it with the blazer too, so much that I might just steal that idea (:
Ok so you and Kyla have swooning over this skirt. I just might have to take a little trip to target soon.
wow! very nice design. I really to watch them. Great post. Thanks
Looking very interesting post. I like all design. I love to search some beautiful designs.
impressive…. really like shoes and skirt and will try to approach it as soon as possible.
lovely…..i really like the stuff given for visitors…
lovely.really great stuff given..i like it very much keep it up.
I love skirt in green. It's so cute..!
I couldn't find one that worked so I went without. Next time though, I'm with ya, elastic waists aren't much to look at are they, thanks for the share.
good effort