I wish I could tell you how awkward it was to take these pictures. Wish granted, I’ll tell you.
My husband decided to break bad news to me 5 minutes before we started to take pictures, using the phrase “Oh, I forgot to tell you…” If you ever hear this phrase, run because what follows is never good news.
If there is one thing you should know, its that I’m right handed and a problem solver. I hate problems, I love solutions. But when presented a problem with no solution I literally start to break down. I think B forgot that I function much like a robot and when something inside malfunctions I begin to smoke. After freaking out for 10 minutes and yelling at him (my only solution at the time), we decided that it was in fact picture time. The weather was beautiful (muggy and grey) and we picked the perfect location (very crowded park). I also wore the perfect shoes (tiny heels) for an old worn down path (road made of mud and debris). It was turning out to be the perfect shoot.
And to top it all off — I felt fat and my outfit was all wrong. Talk about the cherry on top of the ice cream sundae you shouldn’t have eaten at lunch that day. Needless to say, the last thing I wanted to do was take pictures and post them for the world to see. But I started this 30 outfit thing and can’t stop now, so we took the pictures. This blog has become a great part of my life. At first it was just a guest on the couch, but now she has her own bedroom. So I threw in some fake smiles just for good measure and we were on our way.
Those poses up there have a name, by the way. They’re called “awkward frustration” and I was rocking the look well.
The good news is that was yesterday, our problem found its solution, I woke up feeling skinnier, and I wore different shoes with a much wider heel. The other good news is we are just a few short weeks away from our first vacation of the year. I say first because I hope for many more. My glass is half full — of frequent flyer tickets that I hope to cash in by the end of 2010.

43 Responses
I think this outfit looks great! Very natural, but with a glamorous accent from the necklace.
And they are such gorgeous pics! All that stress and everything is lovely. That necklace is absolutely envy inspiring!
Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge
Spring Shabby Apple Dress giveaway
The necklace adds a great pop of color to your dress!
Well, both you and the outfit LOOK great so I guess that's good. I'm glad everything was a bit better today and I'm LOVING this 30 day challenge.
YOu do not "look" fat at all! Girl, hop on over to my blog and I'll show you some JELLY! LOL
Love the color combo…very J.Crewish and your hair is great!
It's like the no-black-and-brown-together rule was made to be broken by you, my dear.
Well, I for one am SO glad you took pictures today. This is one of your best outfits, and photoshoots, yet!
Yay for a vacation on the horizon! And you, truly, look beautiful and thin (per every post). Love the outfit–the belted skirt + necklace are great.
i think u look gorgeous…love the simplicity of this…sorry you had a bad day, but u looked radiant nonetheless!
i love this shoot! and you do not look fat at ALL, but we all have those days …
You look svelte and lovely. 🙂
Hehe, I definitely know the awkward frustration pose. I tell Gavin not to tell me anything bad until AFTER my photos…because I can be so easy to read!
And I am dying over your belt. I have been wanting ones just like it all spring
Despite all the troubles, I think the photos and outfit are quite lovely! Any outfit with that necklace is pretty much instant love as far as I'm concerned. Really love your skirt and belt, too!
Glad to hear things are looking up for you…and jealous of your vacationing!
i think this is an awesome outfit and lovely pictures. good for you!
That necklace is legit! And you're doing a Tyra pose! You know, with the hands on the waist leaning slightly forward… anyway, it's probably just a sign I watch too much TV, but you certainly look cool. That's all that matters right?
Hi Kendi
Im glad that you are feeling better
after your problem found its solution.
I just wanted to let you know
that Im addicted to your blog
I have to check it every day
I really love your style and your sense of fashion.. also the pictures are great! Congrats to your husband.
Im in Tijuana Mexico, I find your site very inspiring, youre been very helpfull for me to match my clothes and combine colors
Take care and keep working on this blog please..
Gabux 🙂
I think you look amazing.
I've been reading your blog for a couple of days now, and I'm hooked. I love your style – it's encouraged me to be more adventurous with my clothes – and I adore your positive spin on things. I'm sorry you got bad news but I laughed at how you recounted it. Very well done.
I'm so glad I found your site.
I really love this one. The colors are so pretty and the necklace is to die for. Bravo!
You looked fabulous!If it makes you feel any better, the very appropriate for work shirt dress that I was wearing yesterday was apparently a stripper's coverup judging by the scornful looks I received on the bus, and the train, and everywhere else. At 5'8", I too suffer from the dress or tunic dilemma.
I LOVE your blog and check it several times a day even though I know it's just a one-a-day kind of deal. Keep up the great work!
I really don't know what I'd do if I knew you in real life. Your insincere smile is so convincing! Really, feeling fat or skinny, you can still look fashionable, and I think you pull it off extremely well here.
I think the outfit is great and there is NO WAY ON EARTH you could look fat, but I completely understand. Sometimes your outfit just doesn't do it for you and even though you might not be fat, you can sometimes feel that way. Keep your chin up! 🙂
Oh cutie, you look gorgeous in these – as has been pointed out by many. But I know just how you feel. "Crabby girl gets her photo taken" is never a fun game.
love the look! and the quaint well-worn path.
i hear ya on the shoes though; men have no concept of inappropriate footwear.
Worst. phrase. ever. Glad things worked out. I love that necklace!
Ha. You can always tell when I'm angry in my photos. I cannot say the same for you–I think you look great.
Love that Anthro necklace. Almost bought it. Now regretting that I did not.
No, this is a super cute outfit. You're just being crazy, it's a keeper.
You are absolutely hilarious!
I love this outfit! I am having a really hard time find skirts that look right in thrift stores, and I have a feeling I'm going to have to suck it up and buy a few brand new ones for my wardrobe.
That is so funny! I swear before I read your comments I was thinking what a cute outfit this was and how awesome you looked! hahaha 🙂
Seriously though, I love it.
What did your husband forget to tell you?! Suspense…
I love that, after reading your entry, I can scroll back up to all the pictures and know that you're thinking, "Eat shit and die." It's great (and I love the outfit).
I think this is my favorite outfit so far. But I think it could be because I'm in the neutral/brown mode right now.
Wow, well, "awkward frustration" works for you! I really dig these pics!
Even if you were not feelin these pics you really do look cute!
I think that outfit is great!! I love love love that necklace everytime you wear it!
you still look great – absolutely love that necklace!
my favorite pic is the 3rd from the bottom… screams, "yes, fine – i love this blog but let's just get this pics DONE and get out of here." 🙂
love love love your blog. your truthful quirkiness makes me feel a hell of a lot better when i get weird comments at work (awk-ward!)
the skirt looks like it's part of your white/brown gap dress. true? if so, how'd you do it? the black tank looks like it's tucked in. i highly suspect wizardry, but i'm hoping i can replicate.
muchas gracias schweetheart.
I love the brown skirt, I don't see anything wrong with the outfit, but I know the feeling.
Gorgeous look, though! Try taking those "ceative" images with a tri-pod and a 10 second timer! It's do-able, and you will have a weeks worth of aerobics as well, free of charge 😉
so reading your blog has quickly become one of the high points of my day. so glad i found it 🙂
i, like @elledaniels above, am curious about how you made what i assume is the white/khaki gap dress, look like a skirt and top with the black and belt?
miss you.
Dear Kendi,
Thank You for entering the Beso Hunter Boot contest. I hope you are given the opportunity to own a pair of these chic black boots to enhance the your wardrobe during the gloomy and rainy days as you walk in comfort.
Thank You and Good Luck!
The Beso Team
One of my favorite outfits so far! (really love them all though) Brown is the best of all neutrals.
Totally relate to the problem solving thing. My friends hate me sometimes because they'll tell me their problem and I'll offer what I think is a simple solution…apparently they just want to vent, not solve the problem. And I end up pissing them off a bit. But I, like you, cannot deal with unsolveable problems.
oh my word. LITERALLY, yesterday my husband said, "oh i keep forgetting to tell you–" and i said, "i dread when you start conversations that way."
because you're right, it's NEVER good! ugh. i'm glad things worked out. and at least the pictures of you feeling not-in-the-mood are 10x better than my best-pictures-ever.