
Dear readers, if you don’t mind — I’m having a bit of a complex today. It’s called the mirror vs. the camera (or reality vs. that evil voice in your head). And today I’m going to stop it.

The camera says “your shirt is untucked and your skirt is wrinkled.” The mirror said “I like that outfit! You should wear this one again.”

The camera says “hey Kendi — your scarf is lopsided, again.”The mirror said “What a great new way to wear an old scarf!”

The camera says “Your hair is out of place!” The mirror said “You should wear your hair like this more often, it shows off your pretty face.”

The camera says “Did you know you have crow’s feet already?” The mirror said “You look happy and carefree.”

You see, when I go through pictures to edit, I tend pick myself apart. It’s not a lack of confidence* but rather an over abundance of perfection with a side of fear. Fear to put myself out there every day just as I am. I fret over an untucked shirt (is it too sloppy to post?) or a misplaced hair. But the reality is, this is what you’d get if you saw me in real life. You’d get the slightly wrinkled, un-edited version of Kendi Everyday. I’m a little bit shy, a little bit messy, a lot awkward and I’m really bad at telling jokes. But I’m real and that is the very best thing I can possibly be.

So today I declare to stop picking at the small things and to look at the bigger picture. To my camera, keep taking real pictures. To my mirror, keep telling me the truth. And to that mean voice in my head, please move out. No one liked you anyways.

*No need to leave ego-boosting comments below. I just needed to remind myself of the truth, thanks for letting me do that here. You can however tell me that this happens to you, that would be nice. 

Shop the Outfit

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Monthly Capsule Wardrobe

Each month I create monthly capsules out of my favorite pieces, perfectly curated for each month.

165 Responses

  1. Oh, I just had a day like this just the other day! I always feel really good in my outfits, but the taking-a-picture-daily thing got to me, and I felt like a frump. I recovered the next day when I liked my pictures more 🙂

  2. I think we all have days like this. It's nice to see someone posting REAL photos, even if your skirt's a little wrinkled, or the scarf was lopsided. It's a really cute outfit, wrinkled or not!
    Thanks for always being honest and inspiring!

  3. I completely know what you're talking about. I go to edit my pictures and I'm like, what the heck happened to that girl I thought I was taking pictures of. Whether it's wrinkly clothes, a really weird hair out of place, a slip stickin' out, I've realized that I don't look perfect everyday so it would probably be bad to make people think I do. I'm glad someone else has had the same problem and also came to the realization that I'M HUMAN AND IT'S GREAT!!
    Wearing It On My Sleeves

  4. I'm exactly like that, too! I always look in the mirror and think it's actually pretty cute when my hair's messy, but in the photos it looks so horrible to me! Then I just need to stop for a second and go through them again, and tell myself it's really nnot such a big deal anyway.

    Great outfit Kendi, again. and the photos are really pretty with the beautiful lake in the background. lovely!

    xxx Charlie
    Feminine Bravery

  5. I think if you have a fashion blog and don't go through these feelings then you are normal. I go through this all the time. I wanna be perfect and show every great outfit to my readers but in reality there are just some day where I don't look perfect or "put together". So you're right, that's what we should be showing and we shouldn't be afraid of our readers. They obviously follow our blogs for a reason!

  6. AH! This happened to me today. I was taking a ton of pictures of my outfit to put on my blog and I couldn't find any one that I liked. I kept wondering why I looked so cute in the mirror and so awkward in the camera. I always thought I was the only one that happened to. THanks for this post!

  7. girl. i feel you! i do a quick touch up of my makeup before i do pics, and most days i'll think, "ok, cute! i can't wait to take some shots of this outfit!" then i'll look at the photos after and dissect EVERY last hair, pimple, wrinkle, etc. dont get me started on the double chin the camera throws at me!

    honestly, i dont think your clothes look wrinkled at all! xoxo

  8. Oh, yeah. Every picture is HORRENDOUS. Dreadful. Really, what was I thinking? So that, even if I'm wearing an outfit that got me compliments all day, when its time to edit and post the photos, I feel like such a schlub…but them I post them, and everybody likes it, so…yep, it must be all in my head.

  9. Love this post and the points you are making. You look great as always and I think what we love about seeing fashion bloggers is the perfection of the imperfect. If we wanted a dose of non-reality – we could just look at magazines all day long. LOVE this backdrop – is it near where you live? Stunning – both you and the locale!

    xx Vivian @ http://diamondsandtulle.blogspot.com

  10. "It's not a lack of confidence* but rather an over abundance of perfection with a side of fear." This is exactly how I feel everytime I'm going through my outfit posts. I'm so glad to hear that even you have the same thoughts but fight through it to keep on doing what you're doing. Thank you!!


  11. This happens to me, too, and those days are incredibly frustrating. And though there are so many reasons for those difference between the mirror and the camera – lighting, the flatness of a photograph, the angle of the camera, whatever – I am so quick to get down on myself for it. I'm glad you wrote this post and posted this look. I love the silhouette of this outfit and the wonderful color and print from your scarf.

  12. CLEARLY I hate ironing and with the 30 for 30 I have seen my wrinkled hot-mess show up in my pics. I'm like…whatevs! LOL, I'm still cute though!

    I do love this outfit, you and Tania must have discussed wearing a-line skirts today, jk.


  13. Such great perspective, Kendi. I think all of us go through the same thought process in between the mirror and the camera. And you've captured it perfectly. It's so hard to be "real" with that public scrutiny in mind. But it's a huge feat to release yourself from that introspection. Definitely inspires me to relax a little and work on that whole inner-beauty thing. 🙂


  14. This is such a great post, Kendi!

    I can definitely relate!

    There are lots of times I put together an outfit I really love and the pictures don't show that at all. On the other hand, sometimes when I don't have time and I just throw something on, I fall in love with the outfit photos and can't wait to wear that outfit again!

    The key is that you wear what you like, regardless of the photos!

  15. This setting is beautiful!

    I think we all feel that way sometimes…but we suck it up and post anyway. Maybe that's why we do. Because other people will tell us the things the camera refused to.

  16. I pick myself apart in pictures too. I even post ones that are FAR worse than what I've seen on your site. Blurry, dark, taken by my 7-year old with my non-keyboard cellphone, pictures that show my double-chin… You name it, I've probably posted it. I didn't officially join your challenge, but if you want to see that I'm telling the truth, you can take a peek here: http://9thcircleofbell.wordpress.com/

  17. This is a really pretty photo background! These photos could be from a magazine, not gonna lie.

    I didn't actually think your scarf was lopsided, I thought it was purposely like that and I thought it was neat! haha

    Thank you for sharing that bit of wisdom with us today, I've never heard of the mirror vs. camera complex.. er, never thought much of it before. I mean, sure I know about it! I like that you're willing to tackle it, that is awesome. 🙂

  18. I think this outfit is one of my favorites.
    And yeah – why can't the camera and the mirror GET ALONG?! They never tell me the same thing. It's insane.

  19. The same thing definitely happens to me. I do think it's only something that shows up to yourself and not anyone else who looks at the photos. You look lovely 🙂

  20. its the worst ever to see a pic of an outfit you rocked in the mirror and feel like the photo doesn't translate that… (plus i suck at the photography side of all this style blogging)

    i am NOT going to tell you how stunningly gorgeous and stylish and creative you are, per your request 😉

    luv u!


  21. I read a post by a photographer not too long ago (although now I can't think of who the photographer was) who had this to say (it was in reference to a commenter who said that photoshopping newborn pictures to smooth skin out was wrong) (and this is me paraphrasing):
    Photographs are still moments in time. When we experience or see something in real life we embrace the emotion felt, the breeze, the flickering light. Photographs freeze those moments, which is wonderful for memories, but it causes us to forget the way the sun fell on a face and makes us focus on the harsh shadows under the eyes.

    …so, I always think of it that way when I'm nitpicking a picture. I looked fabulous in real life, just in that frozen moment I see a flaw (that may not be a flaw after all…like crows feet!).

    And I love your tights – are those We Love Colors?

  22. Thanks for being real. As I scrolled through the photos before I read, I was thinking exactly what "mirror" thought – That you look so happy and carefree and charming, and how great that is.
    Love the outfit too!

  23. I can't believe you picked yourself over for this outfit and the pictures. They look amazing Kendi! Stop worrying about what the readers want, it's your blog! That's why we come!

    Ps – You look great as usual. : )

  24. before the 30 for 30 challenge, i had ZERO desire to pose and take photos of just me, muct less post them for the world to see. i felt awkward, vain, sloppy and just plain silly. this challenge has made me step outside my comfort zone and make it happen. honestly, i have been having so much fun and getting a lot of support, now those feelings have become a little more diluted each day. i am inspired by you and other fashion bloggers i have found in the past few weeks. the number one reason i follow along and participate is because you guys keep it real. so tell your camera to shut the devil up and keep on keeping on!

  25. YES. I totally go through this every. stinking. day. I look in the mirror and think, "This is SUCH a cute outfit. And then I take a picture and think, "mmmm…probably shouldn't wear that one again." That disconnect is obnoxious. I'm glad I'm not the only one.

  26. that scenery is so beautiful.

    and I agree with what Chaucee said. You have no reason to pick yourself apart. you don't need to care about the readers at all because essentially, this blog is yours. us as readers choose to come every day because we like it!


  27. Fabulous style today!

    I agree – sometimes the mirror looks better than the photo but sometimes the photo looks better than the mirror. It's all good 🙂

  28. I feel the same way- I have found that no matter how many times I check my hair, reapply my lipstick and practice posing in the mirror, I ALWAYS am disappointed by at least one aspect of my photos.

    You know what they say, we are our own worst critics. You look great, by the way!

  29. I have the same mean voice, and I try to shush her as often as possible. I think we need to type up eviction notices for these nuisances.

  30. it happens ALL The time! The camera is kind of evil some days. But then you get comments telling you to shut up and you realize how silly you're being…
    IT is kind of a pain though when you stalk the blog of someone who seems to ALWAYS look perfect… but they must have bad days too, they just don't post them!

  31. I just wrote a post yesterday to publish on Friday about how I feel so down on myself when I'm editing my outfit pictures and how I am trying to teach myself that confidence in the way I look, no matter how I look, is really the most attractive thing I could wear. So keep it up, Kendi. Your confidence is great-looking.

  32. I have to say that part of the reason I love this blog is because of its realism. Only fashion models with prep teams steaming their clothes and perfecting their hair can look the same all day! But good outfits are made to be _lived_ in.

    I have outfits that I love too — but they do look very different at the beginning of the day versus after 7 hours of walking campus (wind), teaching (pulling hair back or letting down), and grading (oh the wrinkles!).

    So keep up with the Everyday. It's a nice reminder of what a good place it is to be!

  33. My mirror is always so much nicer to me than my camera too. I always believe the mirror because I would go crazy otherwise.

    PS I am in love with your scarf and tights. SO cute.

  34. Ha! It's funny, I didn't notice any of those things until you pointed them out. The first thing I noticed were those fabulous tights. I know exactly what you mean about thinking I look great in the mirror, and then changing my mind after going through my pics. Seeing as how I didn't notice any of your flaws at first (and I'm pretty observant), I'm going to be less hard on myself.

    Thanks for sharing!


  35. Definitely does happen to me too. My mirror and I have a fantastic relationship and she's always telling me how good I look but the camera…well she's a b**** and she's always saying mean things. I just ignore her now. Which kind of makes me sad but at least I feel better about myself more often.

  36. I was just looking through my photos this morning, trying to decide which of the pictures are blog-worthy (meaning, which ones I looked skinny in). Thanks for reminding us all that the b*tchy voice is really just that – kind of a b*tch! LOL.

  37. I have been guilty of focusing a little too much on the photos too as of late. This post is good reminder to love yourself and your life and stop worrying about the wrinkles, both on my clothes and on my face 🙂

  38. My favorite fashion bloggers are those who wear outfits for everyday life. I want to get ideas for my everyday wardrobe, not high fashion perfection. You're one of my favorite bloggers because I feel like I can relate to you. You seem like a normal gal, just like us readers, imperfections and all. And come on…it's pretty impossible to wear a skirt for more than 10 minutes without it wrinkling a bit!

  39. You know, if you looked around at the everyday women you know and blogs you read, you would see that people live in their clothes and their hair and their skin. You are not doing a fashion modeling blog where you have a professional assistant primping you for the camera and a flock of fashionistas choosing each scarf and skirt. You are living your life – and that is more important than looking the perfect part. Just keep being you – with all the bobbles along the way. That is our lives.

  40. yes, mirror vs. camera is a long-standing war in my household. mirror is way nicer than camera, incidentally.
    as for your mirror vs. camera, if the camera says you look this hot, the mirror has probably burst on fire.

  41. I definitely prefer the mirror to the camera. I'm no fashion blogger, but even I find myself "editing" photos of myself in Photoshop: removing a pimple here and there, making my eyes a little more blue… It's pathetic, really, especially when my mirror thinks I'm so good looking.

  42. i totally get it- with this remix challenge i applaud you regular fashion bloggers…this is hard scrutinizing work! today i looked at my pics and noticed my necklace was lopsided in all the pics…oh well, i wasn't about to go out and take 50 more.
    love this outfit, something about brightly colored tights makes fall and winter a lot more fun.

  43. Hehe, yes, totally happens to me too. Especially the crow's feet thing, which at 28 are starting to appear. But you do look happy and carefree and I plan to do the same thing – crow's feet and all. 🙂

  44. I seriously thought I was the only one to think this. My husband is not much a photographer so at first I blamed him (still not having a tripod) but then I thought, "Goodness, is this how I really look?" Editing pictures can be bad when you are looking at them long enough to tear yourself apart. At the end of the day though, I try to remember what I first saw in the mirror and then I don't feel so crazy.

    Great post! And I like your lopsided scarf. Really cute!


    Maybe we should just all start posting actual videos of ourselves, going about our daily lives looking dead cute in non-unflattering still format. Though that might bring about the eventual collapse of the YouTube servers, so really…

  46. I've definitely noticed since I started taking outfit pictures that the camera can be much more unkind than the mirror. I've spent the last year thinking my messy bedhead was totally hot… unfortunately more like hot mess.

    On the upside, even lopsided that scarf is cute! Great colours.

  47. This is exactly how I feel once I see my pictures on the computer. I take them once I am home from work. In the morning I take a quick look in the mirror and really love my outfit but once I take the pictures, transfer it to my screen. I think, ugh bummer, do I really look like that?

    I am my worst critic and need to not be so hard on myself. Although, I do have a lot of confidence, weird right.


  48. I don't know what you are seeing but I see a confident smiling beautiful young woman. I love your images. You never seem self conscious and that is a wonderful gift.

  49. I love that both you and Tania included that Megan Nielsen skirt in your remix items – you both rock it!

    And you are not alone in the camera v. mirror voices…I actually fight this war with my mirrors as well, because I have one magical mirror that makes me look beautiful and uber skinny – and then I have the mirror of truth, that shows me what I really look like. Add the camera to that, and there ends up being a lot of voices going on! 🙂 Love the outfit – the wrinkles and the realness of it :).

    Small Time Style

  50. Mirror/camera is an all too real phenomenon for me too, I'm afraid. And "Mirror, Mirror" is the name of a classic Star Trek episode =]

  51. I sometimes have that voice too! Or sometimes a voice tells me that my outfit isn't cute enough to be put up for the blog. I usually shut it out, and I am usually surprised that the outfit I didn't like is a fan favorite!

  52. Oh, sweet Kendi. What's more wonderful about you than your outward beauty is your inspiring and honest personality! Your true beauty really shines in your words and your smile!
    And let's hear it for crow's feet and the memories of great times they stand for!


  53. As someone who has just started her own fashion blog, the battle between the mirror and the camera is something I'm still battling EVERY SINGLE DAY. It's such a wild difference, between what we "see" and what we "see"–and what we think we're seeing! Thanks for the reminder that we all look beautiful because of the little parts of our outfits and ourselves that are real.

    And, your hair looks adorable in the side braid!

  54. My mirror whistles and tells me I look smokin', the camera tells me the pounds I've gained are showing and my face is melting…not my make-up, my face.

  55. I, being horribly un-photogenic, understand completely what you mean here. I look in the mirror and see a pretty well-dressed girl, and then I look at a picture of myself and go 'Oh lordy, do I really look like that?" It's nice to know I'm not the only one who experiences it occasionally. I have to say, however, I think these photos are lovely, and I love the outfit you put together, especially the tights and (lopsided? I like to think artistically placed) scarf!

  56. I've been going through the same thing! This is the first time I've blogged my daily outfits and man is it hard! Harder than I thought anyway. I feel like I have that battle everyday. Stay strong!

  57. Eeek. Yes. The camera makes me look all disheveled when the mirror tells me I look good. Or, the mirror tells me something is flattering and I look really pretty and the camera points out, not very nicely, that I actually look sorta plump and could use more make-up. I'm so glad I'm not alone in this – thank you for this post!

  58. I absolutely know what you mean – that happens to me alllll the time. It's a definite downside of style blogging. I think your attitude is great and for what it's worth, I think you're awesome my friend 🙂 I love this outfit, and when I saw it, I didn't see any of what you saw, I just saw an amazingly cute outfit.

  59. I feel this way everytime I take pics! I'm great in the mirror, then I see a picture of myself- eekk! I'm too round, or too wrinkled, or too something else. And then I think- I know I did not look like that in the mirror! Anyway- I love this outfit! I was too scared to do your 30 for 30. Maybe I will do it on my own after Christmas when stores aren't having such good sales LOL!!

    Sherry B

  60. This happens to me pretty much every time there is a picture taken.. I want to delete it because I notice the most miniscule things that annoy me .. glad to know it happens to someone as stylish and beautiful as you! Seriously though, this is my 2nd favorite outfit so far! So don't listen to the camera 😉


  61. Gah, I go through this all the time! I was just looking at my outfit pics from this morning and bemoaning my thighs and asking myself why I ever thought jeggings would be a good idea. Then I remember how great the outfit looked as I balanced precariously on the edge of the tub. (Don't judge, I just haven't gotten around to buying a full length mirror – the bathroom mirror does for now.)
    Thanks for posting that you have similar feelings. Your photos always look so beautiful that it's easy to assume that you must be just brimming over with self-confidence.

  62. Firstly, wow you get lots of lovely comments!
    Secondly, I am from Australia and think you rock.
    Thirdly, as such, I have now subscribed to the UO email in hope those red pumps go on sale soon so I can ship them over here!
    Keep up the rad blog xx

  63. dear kendi,

    you tell that crazy voice to get out!

    i am more of less the same. exact. way. at least husband knew what he was getting into! spills on my clothes with in 5 minutes of going out, messy hair, and dog hair everywhere.

    it is not how perfect you are, it is the imperfections that make people love you!



  64. I think we all have these moments! It's one of the symptoms of daily style blogging. Anyway, you look gorgeous and exuberant as always, and you remind me I need to smile more in my blog photos! 🙂

  65. love the neutrals with the purple.

    and i also hate it what the mirror lies and the camera rubs everything in your face.

  66. This look is so adorable, this skirt reminds me of my elementary uniform except a lot cuter.;) Plus, now I feel like wearing my burgundy tights tomorrow! Thanks Kendi 😀

  67. I have similar experiences but mine is usually opposite…..there are days when I look in the mirror as I leave (in a rush, of course) and am unsatisfied with the finished product. But when I see my photos my perception of how I look changes.

    That's part of the reason I keep blogging….I get to see the unedited me – not the Mary standing stiff in front of a mirror analyzing myself, but the Mary who is exposed, taking photos for the world to see.

    Also, I think your pictures came out just fine today, so I don't even know what your camera is talking about. Maybe he/she needs to go to therapy. It could be jealousy.

  68. I LOVED this outfit! super cute!

    and of course this happens to everyone…but you seem to have a healthy attitude and perspective on how to combat it! : )

  69. oooo Love this! Such a great look and I love the nice touch of color the scarf adds. I also agree with you and your mirror. Sometime i will not post any outfits photos at all beacuse my camera had its way for the day…

  70. hahahaha funniest post so far! You really made me laugh, (people on my school bus looked at me like i was crazy)

  71. Yes, this definitely happens to me! Either mirror tricks me or the camera makes me look like a fool! Anyways, feeling confident and believing the one that looks better will make your day much better! 🙂 You look very pretty by the way, you should make your hair that way more often, show your pretty face 🙂

  72. wait, how do you get your mirror to be nice?? mine is never that to me… ha ha but really this happens soo often. so, screw the cameras. who needs photos anyways? and i love the color combination of todays outfit 🙂 loving the 30/30 so far

  73. A-men. I have these days ALL. THE. TIME. and I always feel liberated and awesome when I bite the bullet, face my fears, and post the crap outta those pictures! 🙂

  74. I like you look phenominal. I much prefer a real photo opposed to a photo shopped picture. I think you pull of those tights amazingly. You always look great in your posts!!

    ~Kirstin Marie

  75. Love this outfit, esp. the tights? Btw, how do you tie your scarfs? They always look so creative and intricate 🙂

  76. Like so many other said, we all do that. That's the main thing that's kept me from starting a blog, even though I want to. I've taken pics a couple of times and thought "This is it, I'm really going to do this" b/c I feel like it would help me develop my personal style further, and it would be fun, but every time I chicken out. You're not alone! Your blog is inspiring though, and super funny.

  77. I think this kind of stuff happens to everyone. At least, I hope it does. If not, then you can rest assured that it certainly happens to me. Either way, you are one of my favorite bloggers, and so creative. Your fans and readers love you, your writing and your outfits – wrinkled or not. 🙂

  78. What?! You go through that too?! It's actually hard for me to believe that. You always look so pretty and polished in all your pictures. I just look at my pictures and pick myself apart sometimes. Some angles make my cheeks really big and ugh, I'm so tempted to smooth it down, but I don't. Although I worry that the viewers think, I always feel better looking at a good picture of myself than one where I photoshop it so much that it doesn't even look like me. I hope that made sense.

    BTW, I have never seen water look like that. It's soo gorgeous. I want a good camera and a photographer boyfriend!

  79. Kendi-
    I look forward to your posts everyday and this one was no letdown.
    I'm a senior in high school and, as you can imagine, as my class creeps closer and closer to graduation, many of them throw dressing up during the week out the window. On any given day about 90% of the students in my grade can be found dressing down. Seriously.
    So while I may not be facing the same problem as you are, I find myself trying to overcome another fashion insecurity everyday as well.
    That of not feeling out of place or uncomfortable about wanting to dress up EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK (crazy idea, I know). And not only that but trying new and different things everyday (I tried the idea of tucking a scarf under a belt today for the first time and loved it!)
    I figure, if I'm lucky enough to have such beautiful items in my closet and have spent the time and money building a wardrobe I might as well put it to good use.
    So (although I know you insisted on no doting comments 🙂 ) I really look up to you and how you work hard to be comfortable with who you are everyday!
    -Jordan E.M.

  80. You are the fairest of them all! Seriously your blog has inspired me to want to try new looks and attempt to wear my clothes in ways I never thought I would.

  81. Yeah, I've noticed it every day since I started the challenge. I feel like the camera adds ten pounds… or twenty…ugh.

    Anyway, I love your cute little scarf and those tights together. I think I might need a pair of eggplant tights of my own…

  82. Oh the camera… I can see myself posing all day praying for just ONE decent photo. Or throwing my camera in the bushes after 5 minutes screaming that I hate it and I never want to see it again. Of course I would then have to run back to retrieve it and beg for forgiveness which leads to at least a day of the silent treatment from the camera. It's really a vicious cycle…

    But you look lovely and those tights are tops!

  83. It always amazes me how I can take 40 pictures of an outfit and only like 2 or 3 in the first round of editing. Like you said, I notice the little things like a shirt not falling right, a bad angle casting shadows on my cheeks, etc. Especially during this challenge, I've found myself looking at pictures and wondering what I was thinking when I checked myself in the mirror before walking outside. It's good to hear someone else feels that way too! 🙂

    Also, I've found that looking back at pictures after a few months or years, I really don't seem to notice those little things at all.

    And you reminded me that I forgot to use my eye cream tonight. Thanks for that. 🙂

  84. This happens to me all the time. You're not alone at all.

    This outfit is fabulous. I purchased that shirt, too, and it is making me angry how it gets wrinkled so easily!

  85. Look at how much love you have! You and your very real pictures are such an inspiration to everyone else. We all read your blog because we can relate to the wrinkles and awkwardness. I know I'm awkward as hell but that's what makes blogging fun. Gushing over eggplant tights (seriously though, I love them), taking awkward pictures in public and stalking each other!

  86. HAha. This blog makes me laugh in a that is so adorable kind of way. I could definitely relate to the camera vs. mirror war. Your words couldn't have been better!

    Loving your blog,


  87. That happens to me too! It happened today, actually. Sadly, it was my camera, and not my mirror that was was the one telling the truth. Maybe it was just the poor quality of my pictures…Yeah, I think I'll stick with that story.

    I know you said no ego boosting but you look amazing, as always. Not only do you remix beautifully but you always pick the most amazing locations for your photos!

  88. I feel the same way and I'm also going to make the same declaration! I've been doing this a lot lately (although I didn't realize it until you said it)and it is self-deprecating. Thanks for bringing this up Kendi!

  89. Um…you just totally described my nearly every evening after I look at my outfit photos. Can't make everyone happy, so let's just make ourselves happy.

  90. Of course I have been there too. Love how the tights pick up the color in your scarf. Very pretty. The smiling shot is my favorite.

  91. What impresses me about these photos is how early you must have been up to find water as smooth as glass…

  92. I have the same problem. I'll think my outfit looks awesome. Then one look at the pictures and it's a different story. Sometimes I won't post outfits because of it.
    It's good to know that I'm not the only one who does this.

  93. story of my life. the photos always come out horrible (and i guess it doesn't help that i dont have an awesome husband/photographer taking them) so after day 3, i gave up after the second shot and packed up to get to work. 😀

    and i know you're not asking for it, but you do look wonderful in your photos. at least to me. imagine what i'd see if i glanced your reflection in the mirror 🙂

    love that your tights and scarf complement each other! so pretty!

  94. That's the story of my entire attempt at this 30 for 30 thing. I think I look pretty decent in the mirror and then I'm lucky if I can find one picture I'm willing to post of myself.

    I think you look cute. I didn't notice a single thing you mentioned (except maybe the slight wrinkles, but I chalked that up to daily wear and also I worked for a dry cleaners for half my life, so I am tuned to those sorts of things. I can also spot a tiny stain at 50 paces, which drives my friends bonkers.)

  95. i want you to know that my camera is a catty little bitch sometimes. my mirror boosts my ego, then my camera gets jealous and starts spreading lies about me and the clothes i'm wearing. yeah, it makes me mad and frustrated. but my real friends (and i do mean my internet friends) don't listen to the rubbish my camera was dishing out and they only see what my mirror sees. which is nice 🙂

  96. Oh how I relate to the mirror vs camera syndrome
    Just yesterday I was thinking is the same person in the mirror the same person I just saw in the mirror
    Why is it the mirror always makes think I look better than I do!
    Glad to know it is not just me.
    I think you look adorable by the way

  97. Has anyone ever told you that you look like Kate Middleton, future Princess of Whales?

  98. i love how you use your photos and outfits to tell a bigger story about how you're feeling. you've got me thinking about how a realistic attitude and self-deprecation can keep you young far after the mirror stops being so kind.

  99. My friend's kid brother calls the camera– CRAMra.

    & sometimes that's just what I think the camera can do– cram itself somewhere. 🙂

    You look lovely, Kendi.

  100. Kendi, you look beautiful! I love this who look! I have the same issue when I edit my photos. These cameras are so good they show every flaw and then you blow it up on the computer and are going to show the world. it can give you a complex. I think you are lovely!

  101. How have I missed you Kendi? Stumbled across your blog for the first time today, and I'm certainly glad I did! Love the outfit 🙂

  102. I've had the same epiphany in the past few years, (hitting the 40's might have helped!), and sent the mean voice in my head on an extended vacay. My awesomely crooked teeth and overbite make me look like me and no one else, I'm pretty sure no one else has ever fixated on it. I'd rather appreciate the fantastic health I'm in which makes my skin glow.

    My smile is my favorite accessory, overbite and everything! It actually looks good on everyone.

  103. My fave outfit to date and I never ever notice straggly hairs or crinkly material – I love the realness of those things anways.

  104. that last picture is adorable 🙂 i love this. you're a master at the 30×30.


  105. Go, Kendi, go! Your "realness" is one of the biggest reasons why you are so easy to like and support. And yes, I definitely suffer from occasional Mirror vs. Camera Syndrome, too… Thank you for your fun, stylish blog and down-to-earth voice!

  106. This definitely happens to me. Every day. It sometimes takes me FOREVER to take a picture that I feel reflects how I THOUGHT I looked in my clothes.

  107. Um, yeah. This totally happens to me. I head out the door all confident that I have on a super cute outfit, then realize later in the day it's not so cute. Alas, the woes of taking chances in the world of fashion.

    Love this outfit. I am always up for brightly colored tights!

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